Highlife World

What About Community: Olufemi Ogunbanwo

We live in unique times. Paul the Apostle emphasized to his early listeners that we are those ‘upon whom the end of the ages have come’. The Lord promised through His prophets that despite the deepening fragmentation and darkness we will experience in the world during these end days, divine models will be revealed through His people; not for the sake of exclusivity or to increase reclucivity, but to educate humanity into the rediscovery of paths that lead to true peace and harmony.

In this short book, Femi reveals such a path. As technology-induced social isolation has now given way to fear-induced actual isolation, heaven shows the way forward: community. Rather than social distancing, heaven points to integration. Though counterculture, we are helped to remember that as part of His prayer to the Father at Gethsemane, the Lord gives the glory He had received from the Father to the church for the achievement of this very purpose: that we will be one, as He and the Father are One.

The oneness of the Body holds the secret to the release of the greatest expression of the Father’s nature and power that the earth has ever seen. Vibrant, deep, life-giving, community-living is an essential catalyst to this oneness.

Femi provides a clear, compelling theological framework for this and examines living examples past and present that fill us with hope for the future. These are not a people that bury their heads in the sand waiting to be airlifted out of a world they are fearful of and feel ill-equipped to engage with; on the contrary, we see a people bold enough to identify what they stand for and harness the power of shared values to strengthen and deepen their beliefs, pass an unadulterated legacy to their progeny and develop a potent strategy to change the world around them.

I have seen Femi stretch towards, seek and carry this vision for many years. I highly commend this book to you and encourage that with an open heart, we allow the Lord to lead us down a path that though maybe unfamiliar and seem uncomfortable, holds the key to our peace, prosperity and impact as a new glorious day for the church dawns!

Carlton B Williams

What About Community by Olufemi Ogunbanwo

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