Highlife World

The Father’s Ache

All creation longs for freedom from its slavery to decay and to experience with us the wonderful freedom coming to God’s children (Romans 8:21 TPT)

I had a dream. I was living in a large white house of modern design with wall-to-wall French windows. It had beautiful grounds, and was gated and fenced. A veranda ran around the whole top floor. It was night and I had on nice silk pyjamas and was standing in my front facing bedroom on the first floor about to go to bed. I heard some commotion outside so I switched on the external lights to see what was going on. I stepped out onto the veranda and saw a crowd of people outside my gate; a crowd of different races and ages. They were sad, wounded, and in generally bad shape. They were all silent but had their heads lifted up all looking at me. They were looking to me for help. They didn’t bang on the gate or make any noise; they just stood there looking at me. There was a school on the other side of the road where they had all come from.

A voice of unknown origin asked me a question, ‘where is your car’? I looked around (by this time I found myself downstairs, outside my house but still within my compound). I couldn’t see my car and wondered where it was.

The Lord is giving us eyes to see and ears to hear the ache of His heart. As we draw near to the Father in this season, we will be blessed with light and we will see things as they truly are.

There is a commotion in the earth. A groaning for deliverance. The world’s system only produces death. Only Christ can give life. The world is waiting, groaning.

We as the church have entered in the Father’s peace. We are safe and secure; forgiven, cleansed. The Father aches for a lost world, and He invites us into His heart.

‘Where is your car?’, ‘Where are your vehicles of engagement with the world that I love? Go out among them, leave your place of comfort, ease and security. Build institutions of life that will engage with a lost world.’ He loves people. There is no strata of society, no industry or sector that the resurrected Christ does not cry, ‘MINE’!

Who will see, respond to the Father’s ache and go?